“…Well, maybe next year.”

(Not the most optimistic title for the blog, but I’m trying to stick to song lyrics and titles from Musicals, and there aren’t too many “Happy New Year” dedications out there! But you can never fault a good ol’ Sondheim lyric.)

It is officially 2018… how did that happen?

I hope that wherever you are in the world reading this, you had a wonderful Holiday season with friends, family and loved ones. And saw the new year in with a bottle, I mean a glass, or two of Prosecco.

January seems to the be the month of positive changes in everyones life; Kick starting fitness, healthier food choices and other resolutions made over the past few weeks. I mean, honestly, with the amount of food we all somehow manage to consume during a few festive days, I understand the need to hit the gym hard!

Anyway, January is my last month of regular classes at AMDA, before I enter the world of AUDITIONS!? So for me, the gym and food is a continued must, but getting new headshots taken (that reminds me, I need highlights too!) Finishing up my resume and new song book brings for a year of opportunites here in America.

Alike the last decade, 2017 went by quicker than expected. My social media feeds are over flowing with peoples “Best 9.” But the amount of likes on a photo doesn’t truly reflect the best 9 memories of a year. So if you’re not bored yet… Here’s a round up of the year, with my best photos from each month.

I say it all the time, but it’s because I don’t want anyone to ever think you are taken for granted:  I am so grateful for the people I have in my life, and all the laughs, tears and moments that have been engraved in my mind over the past 365 days. 

To be completely cliché …

“How do you measure, measure a year?” 


Too much snow, the end of First Semester and Friends. No matter how far they travel, they never leave your heart. ❤



A week with Tessa, and other UK friends and Second Semester: I.E Vintage HAPPINESS!


Knowing Kirby Lunn will be a friend for life, more Vintage Happiness and Adoring Second Semester so much, you find out your teacher is Married to SCUTTLE and Broadway Star Eddie Korbich! (I’m allowed to Fan-Girl every now and then!) 


Spring and Coney Island, Spreading the British love of AFTERNOON TEA as an RA and Pizza with The B’s!


My first Baseball Game (Even if the Yankees Lost!) Headshots with the incredibly talented Darnell Bennett and ending my second semester with an group of Talent, whom I’m lucky to call my friends.


Saying Farewell to the USA for summer, ending with a magical trip to Disneyworld. Finally reunited with my mom, and celebrating so many things back in London with friends!


Schedules working out and still seeing Seb over the Summer! Turning another year older wiser, and Beauty and The Beast Afternoon Tea with my mom.  Also being knocked with Tonsilitis for the first time in a long time (but I choose to not represent that in images?!) after a lovely break with my best girls Laura and Evie.  


Okay so alot went down in August…. Singing for our Supper across London with the Buttercups, Visiting Tessa in Harrogate and Managing to catch Follies at The National Theater before I leave. Did I mention, Steven Sondheim HIMSELF was watching that night, and about 6ft away from me! AHH! Seeing Leah smash it in Oklahoma! at the Proms, dedicating pretty much every day to the Gym, exploring random places in London with Char and saying goodbye again to EVERYONE!


Back to NY; with Seb too! An obsession with Make-Up and Sephora … whom I entirely blame on Emily and Deciding to get into some DIY (Thanks Youtube!)


Test shooting with Darnell, Returning as an RA with a AMAZING bunch of people, and starting third sesmeter making some friends for LIFE! Lex, Israel and Mackenzie; I love you.


A visit from Katie, so an excuse to be a tourist again, spend lots of money and see those flawless Rockettes! Spending sundays Brunching with Besties and getting ready for the plummeting temperatures. Game of Thrones don’t lie when they say “Winter is Coming.” Yes. To New York. 


Chocolate, Significant Other Bitches and finishing for Winter Break. Which included many more goodbyes, but it’s only for two weeks, so I can cope.


Reflecting on all this has now made 2017 feel more than a blink of an eye. Its the afternoon of January 1st, and I am excited to see what the next year holds.



– xo

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